Sail Loot Podcast 030: Annie Dike’s Key’s To The Kingdom and Setting Up a Small Business

By on December 15, 2015

“I had a lot of things, expensive things, and a lot of money, none of which I needed and none of which made me happy.” – Annie Dike, Keys To The Kingdom

I could go on and on with quotes from the first few chapters of Annie’s new book Keys To The Kingdom that hit me right here (picture me pointing to the middle of my chest). Those few chapters hit with the force of a Karate Kid crane kick. I’ve got to go. I’ve got to get on the water. I can’t wait to read the rest of the book.

Annie sent me a description of Keys to the Kingdom. I think she wanted me to include it in these here show notes, but instead I’m just going to let you read the description by clicking on this link right…here. That way you can just go ahead and buy the book while you’re at it.

Keys To The Kingdom is Annie’s 2nd book. We talk about her first book,  Salt Of A Sailor, in Sail Loot Podcast Episode 022: Have Wind Will Travel With Annie Dike. She also runs a website at HaveWindWillTravel.Com, a Have Wind Will Travel YouTube Channel, a Have Wind Will Travel Facebook Page, and her marketing business Legalite, LLC.

Speaking of running Legalite, LLC, I originally contacted Annie (well, re-contacted I guess) to ask her some advice about setting up a small business (LLC). I wanted to know about some of the advantages and disadvantages of setting up a small business. I needed some advice from somebody who had done it before. It just so happened that Annie was also a lawyer at one point in time.

DISCLAIMERS, NOTES, WARNINGS TO COVER OUR OWN HIDES: As a dormant attorney (Annie’s license is currently in a suspended mode so she cannot actively practice right now) and as an attorney not licensed in every state or every country, know that anything Annie says in this interview/podcast is NOT LEGAL ADVICE.  Annie is offering it merely as a friend and fellow entrepreneur as a courtesy.  You are encouraged and welcome to pursue your own legal advice and counsel.

In this episode of the Sail Loot Podcast Annie and I talk about sailing, money, her books, webpages, setting up a small business, running a small business while sailing, and a whole lot in between. Here’s hoping that you can also lose the lock.

Annie Dike 2 Keys To The Kingdom Book
Annie Proudly Displays Her Rain Gear

Annie Proudly Displays Her Rain Gear

Annie and Philip sailing Traveler's Rest (Let's be honest though...Phillip is the skipper)

Annie and Phillip sailing Traveler’s Rest (Let’s be honest though…Phillip is the skipper)

Annie Kiting

Annie Kiting

A Few MORE Things You’ll Learn about Annie Dike, starting a small business, and finding your Keys to the Kingdom in this episode:

  • Releasing her new book, Keys to the Kingdom.
  • Annie’s measure of success.
  • The editing process.
  • Annie’s experience at the St. Petersburg Power & Sailboat show.
  • Annie and Philip’s plans for more cruising.
  • A few tidbits of advice from Annie about writing and marketing a book.
  • How easy it is to form a Limited Liability Company.
  • The benefits of forming and LLC.
  • The possibility of using Legal Zoom to help and save time.
  • How Annie uses QuickBooks Online to help with her business accounting all via the internet.
  • What happens if you change your business plan, or your method of making income.
  • How Annie runs her small company and keeps it “Disregarded for Tax Purposes” so that she still deals with taxes the same way that she always has.
  • Our recommendations for talking to an accountant!
  • How Annie pays herself from the Legalite, LLC bank account.
  • Philip is famous!
  • And Much More!

Links and Resources from this episode:


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About Teddy

I am a 37 year old that just wants to find a way to make a remote income, gather some Sail Loot and cruise the world! I have been sailing for a couple of years now, but mostly on 10 day trips as vacationing crew. I just recently took sailing to the next level by completing my Basic Keelboat, Basic Cruising, and Bareboat Cruising Certifications! I am also Vice President of a Medical Consulting Company, have a Mechanical Engineering degree from Georgia Tech, and have taken several Coding, Computing, and Online Business courses. It's time to share what I have learned!